Transform Sales Activities into an Optimized Daily Agenda with the Map My Customers Smart Planner

Nov 24, 2021

Sales reps without a plan might as well be shooting in the dark. Any of the most successful sales professionals will tell you that they empower themselves daily with a structured plan or routine. Thus allowing them to master the art of time management. As you know, time is money. But, effective planning can take time.

So, in today’s business environment, it only makes sense to utilize powerful sales software that can help you optimize your planning efforts.

The Smart Planner feature within Map My Customers can help you do just that. With this tool, you can empower your reps to be able to plan more intelligently while spending less time doing it.

How Smart Planner Works

Smart Planner is built around the idea of making sales reps’ days as streamlined and effective as possible by enabling them to quickly turn their plan into action. This is made possible by:

A Visualized Agenda

Good planning starts with understanding what you’ve already committed to doing. With the Smart Planner, sales reps will have a daily list of their planned visits, follow-ups, calls, and meetings to quickly scroll through. Reps can tap an activity to drill down into more details about that customer or quickly add notes.

Within this calendar view, you can jump ahead to a different day, week, or month in just a tap.

The Smart Planner prepares a daily list of planned visits, follow-ups, calls, and meetings to quickly scroll through. Reps can tap an activity to drill down into more details about that customer and add notes.

Smart Suggestions

One of the features that truly makes the Smart Planner powerful is the built-in “smart suggestions” capability. With it, reps get reminders and recommendations of opportunities that can be capitalized on, build these into their plan for the day/week, and then easily turn those plans into action.

For example, reps will get prompts to visit accounts that are nearby the customers they’re already planning to see. They’ll also be prompted to add activities to their agenda if they have gaps in their day.

Smart Planner will also help your team prevent important follow-ups from falling through the cracks. They’ll get in-agenda alerts on days when any records go over cadence without a recent follow-up.

Smart Planner enables reps to fully book their day easily with the sales activities that will have the most impact.

An Instant Route Builder

Optimized sales route planning is one thing that sets successful field sales reps apart from the rest. With Smart Planner, this can be done at the tap of a button, allowing Map My Customers to be your sales rep route planning software.

Your reps can quickly and easily convert a day or week’s activities into an optimized route straight from the agenda. This can significantly improve productivity by cutting down on both planning time and drive time.

Quickly Completing Activities

As your reps are running their route, instead of having to create new activities, they can easily just tap on and mark any pre-planned activities as “Completed”. While doing this they can also add any additional information or notes and even status the call quality.

As reps are running their route, they can easily just tap on and mark any pre-planned activities as “Completed” and add any additional information.

Recurring Activities

Setting up sales activities to repeat on a consistent schedule is also made easier than ever. For example, reps can set a recurring call activity to happen every 3 months for all accounts in the “Quarterly” group. This ensures that valuable follow-ups never get missed, even if the next one is weeks out.

Benefits of Optimized Sales Planning

If your team is optimizing their sales planning efforts, the benefits will be much farther reaching than just giving them a structured plan each day.  Sales reps who utilize Smart Planner to optimize their planning efforts will be able to significantly improve sales productivity, improving sales win rate while building stronger and more profitable relationships with customers and prospects.

They’ll do this by:

  1. Reducing the amount of time taken up by “non-selling” activities, like manually planning their week or taking inefficient routes to customers.
  2. Laser-focusing efforts where it matters most and always being prepared for the day’s activities.
  3. Keeping accounts on cadences, preventing valuable opportunities from falling between the cracks.
  4. Increase lead volume by streamlining prospecting efforts to fit into their day.

How Smart Planner is Different

Other sales software solutions may offer similar capabilities of sequencing contacts and follow-ups, a daily task list, or scheduling sales cadences but Smart Planner still stands apart from the rest. The calendar view with infinite scroll, route-building wizard, and intuitive suggested activities are all capabilities that you won’t find anywhere else.

This is the only sales rep app available that offers comprehensive and easy options for fully transforming prospects and customers into a plan of action to take into the field.

With its ease of use, the Smart Planner for Map My Customers will drive increased activity creation, encourage the use of effective sales cadences, and centralize all activities and customer/prospect records.

Streamline Your Team’s Sales Efforts Like Never Before

The Smart Planner within Map My Customers gives you and your team a comprehensive field sales software that will simplify reps’ day-to-day sales activities and allow them to create an effective daily action plan, empowering your team like never before. From a management perspective, Map My Customers combines the optimized sales planning solution that is Smart Planner with a sales team performance tracking tool, sales rep tracking software, and more.

So, start helping your team make the most of their sales efforts today!

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