
Customer testimonial

The field sales tool built with both the rep
and manager in mind

Industry Medical Technology
Location Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


Bill Hagie

National Director of Sales

Matt Kokal

Territory Sales Rep

Aurora Diagnostics is a leading independent pathology services and cancer diagnostics company. Their sales team helps distribute life saving technologies to medical facilities across the United States

We got the opportunity to sit down with two members of their sales team to talk about their experience with Map My Customers.

Describe your experience in the field before and after Map My Customers?

Bill: Before, the word would be disaster. After, Map My Customers is just something the reps look forward to using. It’s an enablement tool.

Matt: Before, I used to keep everything on an Excel document. It was tedious, lengthy, difficult to sort reports both for me and my manager. Afterward, I can put in a note as I’m leaving an account. There’s going to be a time stamp for it and I’m going to know exactly what went on. I don’t have to open up my laptop and waste time. I know it’s an accurate note that’ll help me progress to the next step.

What made our solution stand out in comparison to other CRM softwares?

Bill: The fact that it was sales-driven first and not driven from the top-down. It has all the management side tools, but it’s driven at the convenience of the sales rep and adoption for them to use it. It makes the management side very easy.

Describe your daily workflow when you use Map My Customers.

Matt: In the morning I review and set up my route for the day, review each account and set up my strategic plan. Then, I hit my route function and I don’t have to move from that page the entire day. It keeps me efficient, home on time and more effective out in the field.

Is there anything else you’d like to comment on about your experience?

Bill: Having had multiple experiences with platforms that didn’t really fit, MMC really met all of our needs in an efficiency platform.

Map My Customers enables quicker closes, more calls, and closes on targets we didn’t even know were targets.

Bill Hagie

National Director of Sales

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