Customer testimonial

Build better relationships with better data

Industry Veterinary Supply
Location Alberta, Canada


Kevin Dunbrack

National Sales Manager

McCarthy & Sons is a full-service veterinary marketing, supply and distribution company that has serviced Canadian veterinarians for over 50 years.

Describe the initial problem(s) that led McandSon to seek out solutions like Map My Customers.

Kevin: When I first joined McCarthy and Sons about two years ago, we didn’t have a CRM system at all. So that was the initial problem. We had no reporting — my predecessors were working blind. So, I was searching for a CRM in general. I had not heard of Map My Customers, but I knew we needed one.

How did you initially find Map My Customers?

Kevin: All my reps are remote, I work remotely, and we had no really good way of handling reporting — it was done monthly in an Excel format. So, we’re kind of lost at that point, we needed some sort of CRM. I asked all my reps, and I mentioned them that we’re going to implement a CRM. One of my reps was using the free version of the Map My Customers app. So, when I was on the road with her, she walked me through it — we used it in real time. I thought it was terrific. So, that’s where we did a pilot with Map My Customers.

What was it about MMC that stood out to you? How does MMC compare to other solutions you came across?

Kevin: I believe it’s the only map-based CRM where there is an actual visual of where you are and where you’re traveling with your remote reps — that’s fantastic! Normally, my reps on the road all day, every day. I really felt like it was built from mobile up. It really feels that it was focused on being on the road and being an active sales rep. All the other ones I’ve used I could tell they started out as a web-based or as a database versus asking, “How do we help the sales reps?.”

Compare your team’s experience before and after MMC. Are there significant changes or improvements you’ve witnessed?

Kevin: Well, they didn’t have a CRM, so there was no proper reporting. When it came to managing their account load — it was impossible to do it by memory alone. They were using old school tactics of pen and paper, which became binders and binders, and you don’t get full data.

With Map My Customers, they love the fact that it’s in real time, so when they’re in the parking lot about to go in on a sales call, they’re already on top of the pin. They click in, [and] they can see all of their notes, all of their contacts and all the activities. So, we’re a lot more efficient. We are quicker at building those relationships, because time may have passed, but we have the specifics about the last time we talked to them in our notes already.

Now compare your experience as a leader before and after MMC. What’s changed?

Kevin: I don’t want to spend all of our time or my time with the reps, because it’s few and far between, and I’m stretched recapping their day or them telling me about their calls and then digging into it. Now, I’m able to see their activities and pinpoint where the hurdles are and then work on practical solutions to move the ball forward.

It also gives me a very clear view through the funnel, and I can see specific reps, where they’re getting stalled (if it’s just on the lead phase or if it’s they get to a product demo) and if they can’t get past that consistently. We’re really good at focusing on where the problem is and [how to] move it forward versus before, I was just trying to gather the information.

How to advise your reps to build better relationships?

Kevin: I encourage my reps, when putting in a new person in Map My Customers, to put key memory points. If they love dogs, or if they go on a vacation to Hawaii, or if they’ve been dreaming of it — notes that they can talk to them about next time. You know, their kids’ names, those things. So anything where we can help ourselves to re-establish relationships quickly is all there.

“I really felt like (Map My Customers) was built from mobile up. It really feels that it was focused on being on the road and being an active sales rep.”

Kevin Dunbrack

National Sales Manager

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